Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Content Management System - CMS

The website is the face of the organization on internet. There can be multiple purposes of maintaining websites. Content management systems are one of the most imperative tools for any webmaster, especially if you need to maximize your productivity while staying structured in the management of your website. Astonishingly, most content management systems are free, open source software that is comprised automatically with your web hosting plan. Nevertheless, creating a custom content management system is often the best option for website owners that are in need of a more vigorous solution.

There is another face to the coin. The fact that trend of affordable search engine optimization services for e-commerce is increasing day by day cannot be ignored and it has become lucrative for businesses to have effective online presence. In present technological and economic environment it is necessary to build more interactive and user friendly website which begs need of content management system rather than static webpage. A content management system allows users to add, edit, update and delete the contents of their website swiftly and easily through the use of an administration section built on their website and a database.

In today’s business environment it is necessary to have CMS in websites because we cannot wait for developer to update the contents. CMS makes website dynamic and allows technical or non-technical person to update or amend the contents as per requirement.  There are two keys aspect of a CMS. These are Content Management Application (CMA) and Content Delivery Application (CDA). CMA enables management of the material, contents and it is not necessary for the user to be aware of HTML, XHTML for this purpose. CDA compiles the edited information for website update. Implementing content management system could involve high initial cost but it saves cost by increasing revenue in long run when compared to static pages.

There are certain factors that an organization should before implementing content management system. They should understand the need of that system and ascertain how it will help them. Organization must determine sources of information and contents that are to be placed online such as documents, pictures, videos etc. The benefit of having CMS installed should outweigh its cost in order to be approved as feasible for the organization. There are several packages of CMS are available in market with strong brands such as Microsoft with competitive prices. The selection of suitable content management system that is in line with the requirement of business is very important as in cyber world small mistakes and delays can throw you out of the business.

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